Saturday, May 24, 2008

The calm after the storm

My daughter-in-law left early this morning for her weekend with her family. My son and I agreed not to tell her what happened yesterday until after her trip. The only thing she noticed that was out of place were the pictures that fell off the wall when my son slammed a door.

I spent the evening copying video tapes to my computer. It's all part of a project for my dad. I found footage of his mother in my sister's old home movies. I have contacted my brother-in-law's family so see if they would like to have DVDs created from the old movies.

Other than working on the video for dad, I want to get the pool filter running today. It looks like a swamp, but I know I can clear it. I started removing the leaves on Thursday. The filter will remove a lot, but we will still keep cleaning. I hate that pool and could live without it, but it is here and I have put money into it to make it usable, so we will use it. I figures when the deck reaches the point where it is no longer usable, we will disassemble the pool and get rid of it. I never wanted it. I just let my sister go ahead with it to appease her. She was in it all of 2 times.

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