I'm feeling a little whoozey right now. I was having a lot of pain in my tailbone, so I laid down to watch my soap. I fell asleep instead and when I woke up, my tailbone was on fire. I took a Darvocet right away and put an ice pack on it. The medicine wasn't working fast enough for me, so I took another one. It's helping, but I don't like that way I feel.
I think I may have to call my pain specialist to have refills called in before I have my appointment. I talked him into seeing him every 12 weeks rather than 8 weeks. I am also going to change to the Cedartown office. It will be closer than driving 100 miles round-trip to
Most of my pain this week is due to leaning over the playpen to get Raina or the puppies or clean out the bedding. It's a Catch-22. If I lean over, my tailbone and right leg flare up. I can't squat because of my arthritis. Too bad I didn't get a used baby crib instead of the playpen. I could have put the puppies up higher. I think I need to check the space between the spindles on a crib. If it's too big, maybe I can put some sort of netting around it. Sounds like I need to do some shopping at the thrift store before it's time for Raina to have another litter.
Tomorrow my daughter-in-law is running a fund-raiser for a dog park. She has drafted my son and recruited her mother and several friends to help. There will be 2 agility demonstrations, an area for dogs to be off-leash, wading pools for the dogs and a dog treat bake sale. The kitchen has looked like a bomb went off a couple of times. It smells so good when my DIL is working on the treats, I have been tempted to taste them. I just hope the weather is good to them. There is a fifty-fifty chance of rain. My contribution has been to wrap and package dog treats and print the transfers for the t-shirts and iron them on.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Catching Up
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
My Niece, Part 3
My niece ‘T’ had been leaving me alone as I requested. I started feeling like something was about to happen; this was the longest period that she had been out of touch. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
One day the phone rang and the caller ID showed only “Wireless Caller”. I felt I had to answer. It was my niece. She said she had called to give me her cell phone number in case of emergency. Finally she got down to the real purpose; I had mentioned in a previous call that a couple of people had expressed interest in her car. She said she liked using public transportation and did not want the car because it held too many bad memories. She gave me permission to sell the car for the “blue book” value and send the money to her.
A couple of days later she called and practicality ordered me to sell the car. She kept talking about “blue book” value. That car is junk! The tires are rotted, the brakes are bad, it has not been started for over a year and the interior is full of mold because of the broken windows. ‘T’ has also conveniently forgotten that she still owes me over $6,000 on the car.
If she calls again, I think I will insist she sign the title for me (I’ll have to send it to her to be signed). Then I will call one of those places that say they buy junk cars. Any money I would get would be rightfully mine. I would be lucky to just have someone tow it away without my paying them to take it. I certainly need the money, but if I got anything for it, I may send her some just to shut her up.
I hope they are doing regular drug tests on her. She sounded like she was in one of her manic periods. That is when she begins self-medicating. I don’t know if the state is still providing the medication prescribed by the prison psychiatrist or at least giving her a break on the price. She just sounds like the same old ‘T’ that would steal from her mother without blinking an eye.
Dogs, family and websites

I haven’t been here to post for a while. It seems that the dogs and my family genealogy website have been taking all of my time. My son and DIL went on vacation in early June which left me with 9 dogs (yeah that is 9) and the rest. By Wednesday of that week, I was ready to release my finches into the wild, turn the cats free in the front yard and start adopting out the dogs. Luckily one of my son’s friends was able to come over to stay with me. He took over the difficult dog duties and it was such a relief.
My Yorkie is pregnant. That’s why we had 9 dogs instead of 8. When breeding time came, the stud I had arranged was unavailable. His owner was due to deliver a baby herself any day. In desperation my DIL and I searched for an alternate stud. The only thing we could find was a male Yorkie for sale. He turned out to be a proven stud and a very sweet dog. So dog #9 came home. He was very enthusiastic about his duties as a stud. As a result, I have a female who looks like a hairy football. Her first due date is July 21. The male was starved for affection and needed more attention than we could give him. So we put him on Craig’s List and the calls started within 15 minutes. He has gone to a wonderful home where a very lovely teenage girl will give him the love he needs and 2 Pugs to play with.
Hopefully the Boston Terrier and the Cocker Spaniel are pregnant. We had to pay a stud fee for the Boston, but the owner of the Cocker stud wants first pick of the litter. I need to measure their bellies again today to see if there is any change. The Boston has gotten heavier, so she must be pregnant. I hope the Cocker is pregnant. Her stud was very beautiful. He is black and white with a shock of white hair in the middle of his black-colored head. Her litter should have buff and white and black and white puppies.
Through all of this my pain continues. I am having trouble picking the Boston up because of my back. I have finally been to the rheumatologist and fortunately I do not have rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis. I have good old osteoarthritis, but it is particularly bad in my knees and hands. The doctor recommends injections of an artificial lubricant into my knees. I am all for it, but must pay $160 out of my pocket per visit for 5 visits. I just don’t have it now. When I sell the first of the Yorkie puppies, I will be able to afford the injections. The second puppy is going to purchase a 1988 pickup truck so that I will have a vehicle again.
I have been mentally and emotionally stressed out too. I have finally admitted that my finances are out of control. I sought help with a consumer counseling service only to have them recommend that I file bankruptcy. At this point I have to just try to dodge creditor calls. I can’t even contact an attorney until I have a certificate from the consumer counseling service. It’s part of the new bankruptcy rules. I hate it, but it may be my best opportunity to get things under control. I should not have credit cards; I just treat them like a license to spend.
There have been pleasant things happening too. I found my Dad’s favorite song and made him a CD for Father’s Day. For his birthday I made him a slide show of his early life, my mother’s early life, their wedding and an assortment of family photographs. Choosing the background music was challenging, I didn’t want to make people cry and also didn’t want to be flippant. For my mother’s segment, I used Steely Dan’s “Peg”. It’s one of my favorite songs and of course it was her name. Dad was in Texas with my sister’s family over his birthday. They had a party for him and waited until everyone left to present him with my gift. He loved it. I guess the rest of the family loved it too. My sister had previewed it and decided then that it needed to wait until only the family was there to watch it. I sent extra copies for my sister’s family. I also sent copies to mom’s brother and sister. I had fun putting it together, but had to leave out many pictures to keep the running time down to 15 minutes. I think I am going to make some more slide shows. I have loads of pictures in albums, but never really look at them. If they are put together on a DVD, I may look at them more often. I also have the ability to transfer video tape to my computer. I have super 8mm movies from the 1970’s I want to share. I also have my son’s first year. Some of that is dark and I hope I have software I can use to play around with it and lighten it up.
My genealogy website was hacked and used to send out millions of phony bank emails. As a result, I am moving it to a new hosting company. I have everything back up except the database. That was the point of weakness that allowed the hacker in. I had not been keeping up with the updates, so it is partly my fault. I have been able to get it back up with the version I was using when it was hacked, but I am having trouble updating to the latest version which is more secure. I just keep plugging away until I get it right.